Saturday, October 6, 2012

Aussies curves picnic

Originally when I read the picnic theme for Aussie curves I thought gingham skirt and blanket. Not really my style. Neither is the cute shorts and tied shirt look. But really for me, being the fair skinned Celtic background girl I am, picnic is all about the hat. 10 minutes in the sun without protection and I start to look like a lobster so hat and sunscreen are essentials for this girl to picnic.
And hat invites the theme of the mad hatters tea party. So my girl and I got dressed up and took photos with that in mind. She is not plus sized but forgive me. I think she is so beautiful so I had to share.
My hat is from the eumundi markets bought last year. I love it's graphic style.
The dress is from ts14 plus. And of course, because a picnic involves sitting on the ground, I have cropped pants on underneath for comfort and decorum.


  1. You both look great

  2. Love your mother and daughter outfits! You both look great!
